Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Turning over an old leaf

Yesterday while I was at work towards the end of the day I was reading Zan’s blog and it got me thinking. In my little guild I’m comfortable. I’m the master of all the classes I play and there is no one above me… or at least that’s how I feel. I’ve talked before about how being challenged and grouping in pugs is a good way to improving as a player. Well I came to realize that I’m not really following my own advice. Sure I run with a semi pug raid every week… but with the classes I bring I’m generally on top. Again, no real room to grow.

This also got me thinking about my wife, brother and sister. Sure I play a warlock like my wife… I know the proper specs and rotations and what to do to reach the max damage. The problem is though my wife and I generally speak a different language. We think and process information differently so it is hard for me to explain things to her and it is hard for her to express her questions for me to answer. Our guild is isolated so she doesn’t have any influence beyond me on what to do to become a better player.

Also when it comes to raiding the group that I run with is solo progression based. This is fine for me… but my wife and family don’t have all the core skills for this kind of raiding. They also won’t learn any of them outside of actually raiding for themselves. I don’t have the stomach or patience to try and put together a run with 5 pugs on old content that people are expecting to get carried through (the pugs not my family).

Well the solution that I came up with is fairly obvious. I talked to my wife and we decided that we would try and get back into my old guild Serendipity. It seems odd to reapply to a guild that you left because you couldn’t focus on raiding… because you want to focus on raiding… but that is what it came down to. I still have a lot of friends and people I miss playing with in the guild and a lot of the issues that I had with the rules and leadership have been changed. I talked to Curinir one of the officers and a friend whom with I still play and raid. He in turn talked to one of the officers and the GL Nikkyo who is also one of my friends.

I got on vent with them and we chatted a bit mostly about what toon I wanted to play as my main. I told them that I really wanted to raid tank again and wanted to play my warrior. As luck would have it that is one of the things they are a little low on. Not so much tanks in general as they have quite a few but not any really reliable warrior tanks. I told them that I wanted to bring the rest of my family and Kobeck because I thought it would be a better environment for everyone. Kobeck recently had a bit of falling out and quit 25 man raiding with the tempest group but still does 10 mans with them. I’m hoping that joining a progressing guild would rekindle that fire. Not to mention that during my course of conversation I learned that Blanda and b2 recently joined.

The wife and I transferred to serendipity, but my brother and Kobeck are still a little hesitant. I understand completely and am not going to push the issue. Hopefully they will decide to join us because I think it is the best move for all of us.

Last night turned out to be a raid night for them and they were heading into ToC 25 and possibly ToGC 25 after. At first my wife didn’t want me to go because we had spent a lot of time just talking and getting set up in the new guild that we didn’t have time to do anything together… or eat dinner really. I threw some chicken on the grill and we managed to finish eating and got our daughter to bed just before raid time. She said it was fine that I could go <3>

Off we went to ToC 25. There was a little confusion on gormak with the impale stacks but we got him without issue and likewise the worms dropped easily. We lost 3 or 4 people to one of the worms and then icehowl came out. I got agro took one hit, got healed, and then took 2 hits with in .3 seconds and was dead. Ow. Now my warrior isn’t the greatest geared… but man that was embarrassing. Nikkyo was quick with the bearform and taunted. I got a battle rez and spent the rest of the fight keeping sunder up and cursing at myself. Next up we had jarraxus. All I can say is… NEED MORE RAGE. I was rage starved nearly the entire fight. I even missed one or two fireballs because I simply didn’t have the rage to interrupt. I stopped using demo shout and thunderclap HOPING to take more damage.

Faction champions came up and were marked up. Next thing I knew nikkyo pulled without explaining to me what I was supposed to be doing. So I charged in and just started annoying everything I could. Taunting the melee, silencing the casters, intervening focused raid members, stunning, charging, fearing and all around being as big of a douche as I could to the hordies. In the end we won and what would you know it? Satrinasubertrinketofstamina dropped. I went from having no decent stamina trinkets… to picking up the emblem of frost trinket and getting satrina’s trinket. I’ll miss the 3% avoidance I lost but I’m loving the fact that my warrior sits at 37.5k unbuffed. Twin valks was boring. Anub was a pita… I really screwed up on the first attempt. Me and the other offtank had a lot of miss communication going on and quite a bit of cross taunting. We were doing ok but Nikk got too far away from the healers after anub came out and he went down. Second attempt went off without a hitch though. Well except for the DK offtank death gripping my mob off the ice patch where it promptly borrowed >.<

Raid was supposed to go to 11 and so we had about 20 minutes worth of attempts on TogC. All I can say is Holy Shit. I most certainly do NOT have the gear for that fight. 38k impales???? WTF??? OW. With all 4 of his snobold stacks up I took a 28k hit through my freaking shield wall. One attempt I lived for awhile with last stand up… then I died and nikkyo popped his survival instinct thingy… 88k health…

I also learned that I’m having some pretty bad threat issues. Really thinking I need to put another point in bladed to teeth (or whatever its called) I have 2 points in that so that I could have a point in imp spell reflect which is nice for some fights. Really wish I didn’t have to glyph in order to have semi decent cool downs because I really could use the threat. I know threat will come with gear and it doesn’t help that I dropped down to 198 hit with all of the upgrades. Overall it was a pretty eye opening experience on what I need to do to improve and things could have gone far worse considering that was my first time in a 25 man on my warrior.

1 comment:

Zan said...

There's a website called "WOWPopular" that shows the most popular specs for things. You can look at their most popular prot warrior spec.

You might also find some benefit in reading over tankspot's WotLK prot warrior article. I read it last night while trying to figure out how to L2P mine.