I'm in love with the idea of having a level 80 rogue. The subtlety and deadliness all wrapped up in a dual wielding fury that is the rogue class is just awesome. So why don't I have an 80 rogue yet? Well... they conflict with my play style or at least with how I want to play the game.
When I'm leveling any character I enjoy a mix of questing, grinding and especially instancing. Rogues are pretty powerful at soloing and have many tools to help survive and avoid damage. My favorite by far of all the specs is Assassination. I love mutilate and everything about the spec. So naturally I want to level Mut spec.
So what's the problem?
The problem is that WotLK instance involve Aoeing through the trash as fast as possible to get to the bosses. Rogues have one of the best AoE's in the game called Fan of Knives. Great right? Except... you don't get the awesome aoe ability till level 80. That means while every other dps in the game is aoeing.... I'm sitting there stabbing a trash mob in the ass.
My single target dps is pretty strong and on boss fights I'm usually top 1 or 2 in dps... but the rest of the time I feel like I'm wasting my energy(no pun intended). I'm running around like crazy busting my ass to kill stuff, while the rest of the group is aoeing and sipping tea.
Its infuriating to me. It shouldn't be I know... but you see... I have this epeen... and I like for my epeen to be bigger then the other epeens around me. My epeen doesn't feel very big when every one else around me is aoeing and I can't.
So switch to Combat.
Ok yes... I can do that. In fact for around half of my time between 70 and 75 I've played as combat. In instances is fun being able to pop blade flurry and see my dps fly up. I'm never topped when I play as Combat. Can't lose right?
Well sure that covers instances... but questing as combat is SO FREAKING BORING! My ring finger is going to fall off from pushing sinister strike TWENTY BILLION TIMES.
No. I simply can't stand questing and soloing as combat. If I wanted to stand in somethings face and beat on it I would just stay on my warrior.
So now you see my problem. I want to solo and quest as mutilate but I can't stand instancing without an aoe. I'm kinda meh about combat in instances but can't stand questing.
Maybe the answer is dual spec... but I don't really see the value in this because once I get to 80 I will be mutilate spec and will stay that way. With FoK I'll never have any need to be combat again. Especially since they are nerfing throwing specialization.
My plan
Well I am speced Mutilate and I don't want to go combat again... this means I'll likely be staying out of instances till 80. This means the last 4.5 levels I need are going to be BRUTALLY slow because I can only do the same quests so many times before I need to take a break and do an instance. At this point I don't think there is a quest in Northrend I haven't done at least twice now so I'm finding this level range to be extremely difficult. I have both my rogue and druid at 75 and I simply can't find the will to quest at all.
I'm so sick of seeing Zul Drak, Grizzly Hills, and Dragonblight that leveling in those zones seriously makes me want to vomit.
TL:DR Give rogues FoK earlier so we don't have to be a liability in the days where everything is aoe snoozed through.
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
You could try leveling in AV.
Everybody's doing it right now and I've heard you can breeze through levels easily.
It's also a good change from the monotony of Dragonblight, Zul'Drak, etc...
I've done a little bit of that... but it seems how people "breeze" through levels is by afking in AV. That type of play isn't for me and trying to take down level 80's without having any pvp gear is frustrating. Especially when compared to running AV on my druid which I have been doing to level.
My druid is in full pvp gear from level 70 and as resto I'm just as effective as I would be at 80. Playing on my rogue in pvp ends up just making me want to play my Druid.
It does help break up the monotony, in fact I should have included pvp as one of the things I enjoy doing while leveling. Still it isn't instancing.
I may try and stick to bg's till I get to 77 or so.
Good luck with that, man.
Blizzard seems to care only about endgame, regretably.
I see the next expansion as blizzards chance to fix a lot of the issues that classes have early on. Rogue AoE being something they can change. Look at the destruction tree for Warlocks, nearly the entire tree is dedicated to boosting fire damage but you don't get Incinerate until 64. So you spend a lot of time leveling with an incomplete set of tools.
It is unfortunate that we have to wait for another expansion to fix the problems created by the last two expansions, but at least there is a good shot at change.
"The problem is that WotLK instance involve Aoeing through the trash as fast as possible to get to the bosses. Rogues have one of the best AoE's in the game called Fan of Knives. Great right? Except... you don't get the awesome aoe ability till level 80. That means while every other dps in the game is aoeing.... I'm sitting there stabbing a trash mob in the ass."
LOL, nice! I think that is the main reason I tried to avoid instancing until I got to 80... I remember feeling the same way.
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