This is going to be a short and quick post of who I am playing and what class and spec they are. I will go into more detail about why I chose what specs for each and go into more detail of the history of each but to save this from being a 20 page post this will do for now. For the most part I stick to Durotan US realm though have some projects on other servers.
Ardarin - 68 Human Death Knight. Currently Blood DPS
Artorin - 70 Night Elf Druid. Spec undecided
Arravis - 80 Night Elf Hunter. Survival Spec
Gandreolf - 78 Human Mage. Arcane Spec
Jadedfury - 71 Human Rogue. Subtelty Spec
Lanora - 80 Draenei Priest. Discipline Spec
Llina - 80 Human Paladin. Protection Spec
Saravid - 80 Draenei Shaman. Elemental Main / Restoration Secondary
Skillet - 14 Gnome Warlock. Affliction Spec
Skyru - 69 Draenei Warrior. Protection Main / Arms Secondary
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
1 comment:
Draenei self heal + herb self heal on warriors FTW!
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